Saturdays 10.30am -1pm, 2pm-4pm
Other Days & Times – Parties by Appointment
All Ages | £10 |
Saturdays 10.30am -1pm, 2pm-4pm
Other Days & Times – Parties by Appointment
All Ages | £10 |
12 The Square
Step into the wonderful World of WHO and other Sci fi and take a nostalgic trip down memory lane.
A MUST see for all WHO fans
Our museum, incorporating the Midlands Who Exhibition and more , is housed permanently at 12 The Square Bromyard Herefordshire HR7 4BP.
It occupies a large building situated on the corner of The Square and Sherford Street in Bromyard town centre..
It is privately owned and run by the Glazzard family.
It is 85% WHO actual screen used props and costume which makes up the Midlands WHO Exhibition, the remaining exhibits being screen used from Red Dwarf, the Gerry Anderson puppet shows, Star Trek Voyager and some Star Wars items. But predominately this is a WHO Exhibition…but we are sure you wlil enjoy it all!
It is 85% WHO actual screen used props and costume which makes up the MIDLANDS WHO EXHIBITION, THE REMAINING EXHIBITS BEING SCREEN USED FROM RED DWARF, THE GERRY ANDERSON PUPPET SHOWS, STAR TREK VOYAGER AND SOME STAR WARS ITEMS. But predominately this is a WHO Exhibition…but we are sure you wlil enjoy it all!
The Exhibition has been open since 2007, but the items have been collected over many years, resulting in a spectacular display. Many items here used to be at the old Blackpool, Longleat, Llangollen and Cardiff Exhibitions of yesteryear. They now reside permanently here in Bromyard for visitors to enjoy once more..
All your favourites are here, from Daleks and Cybermen to the Worlds only Mechanoid, and WHO costumes from the early days to those from more recent times…the likes of which we will probably never be seen again in one Exhibition!
It really is out of this World!
Please note that this Exhibition is not suitable for wheelchairs.